Take a look at your kitchen, it’s fine, we’ll wait… While you are looking, count the everyday kitchen appliances on your counter top. What’s there, cluttering up those pristine granite counter tops you were dying to have?
Toaster? Coffee Maker? Crock Pot? Kitchen Aide? Knife Block? Tea Kettle? Blender? Fruit Bowl?
We get it, life gets busy, and there is zero chance of squeezing all those lifesavers into that appliance death trap known as the Lazy Susanne. We know as you are rushing out in the morning with that delicious strawberry-banana fruit smoothie, courtesy of your Blendtec, the last thing you are thinking about is shoving that high tech blender back into its hiding place.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a space to store all those everyday appliances, where you could use them, leave them out, but not have all that clutter in sight when your guests walk into your kitchen? Guess what? There is!
“The Blantry,” originally known as “Blair’s Pantry,” is an open pantry that blends seamlessly into your kitchen. Giving you hidden counter space to store all those life saving appliances, extra cabinets for storage, a small prep sink, and even an extra full size fridge. So go ahead, leave your coffee maker out, and ready to brew, nobody will ever even know it is there! The Kitchen Aide you got for your wedding, there is a space in “The Blantry” for it as well!
We promise, you are going to love THE BLANTRY. Let us design one in your next home!